ITC International, Olivová 4, Praha 1 110 00, Czech Republic +420 603 333 953 ITC International, Jugoslávských partyzánů 1580, Praha 6 160 00, Czech Republic

Consious Senior e-Citizen


Nowadays world is characterized by very rapid changes in technology (computers, mobile phones, Internet, electronic banking), older people feel at once more lost, confused. They are no able to assimilate the knowledge necessary to make use of new technologies. This multiplying the existing distribution of digital society and is blocking chances of sharing the experiences by older pople. The main objective of the Project is to make older pople life in modern IT World easier and more comfortable. A series of onsite courses for seniors citizens is planned to covering the following topics:

  • Basic computer skills
  • Internet
  • Communication
  • E-banking
  • E-shopping

The components of the course will be prepared by the Projects Partners and translatd into national languages of project as well as adjusted to the needs of project countries.

Target groups:

Adult Citizen and senior Citizen

This project will also help in building a bridge between generations and will counteract distribution of digital society.

By carrying out this project, we aim to achieve the following objectives:

The main objective of the Project is to make older people life in modern IT Word easier and more comfortable. A series of on-site courses for seniors citizens is planned to covering the following topics:

  • Basic computer skills (using a computer, writing documents
  • Internet (getting connection, configuration, usage, looking for information)
  • Communication (e-mail account, sending messages, sending files internet communicators, chat)
  • E-shopping (advantages and disadvantages, safe shopping on internet)
  • E-banking (advantages and disadvantages, managing own bank account)

By carrying out this project we aim to create the following products:

  • IT courses for senior Citizen
  • Easy computer manuals for senior Citizen
  • Online version of courses
  • Web site of the project

For more information see our webpage


Download the computer and internet usage course textbook and workbook here:

ecitizen-textbook-and-workbook.pdf (185KB)

ITC is:

  • Accredited by the Czech ministry of education
  • Member of the Czech committee for science management
  • Certified by the International Education Society, London