Every Trainee Matters
It is particularly important to adjust human resources training in the organizations providing educational services in agreement with their needs of development, the needs of the organization and of the community they live in, because it has an impact on training, on ability development of other human resources.
The purpose of the partnership of the institutions in the project is training and developing new abilities in their employees (teachers, trainers, mentors, and mentors, tutors) to ensure quality in initial or continuous VET education and training supplied by these institutions.
By carrying out this project, we aim to achieve the following objectives:
- Identification of training needs of the teachers, trainers, mentors, tutors in these institutions in the field of quality control
- Increasing motivation for lifelong learning by designing programs and attractive training materials
- Creating a training program e-learning to address identified needs, that will help trainers in their professional activity (e.g. tools for trainee knowledge, innovation of teaching methods, the use of ICT in VET training, key skills in adult education in creating tools and procedures to provide quality education)
- Developing common approaches to training and developing human resources skills
- Improving human resources management training in these institutions.
By carrying out this project we aim to create the following products:
- "Quality portfolio” , which includes tools and procedures for self-evaluation, for implement of quality in VET.
- Training program which will be based on combining the methods of training directly with the distance training (e-learning) to meet the training needs of the target group of these institutions and other interested institutions.